Shop Info:
Have Fun Be Lucky Tattoo
Location: 820 W. 36th Street Baltimore, MD 21211
Phone number: 410-235-5930
Website: havefunbeluckytattoo.com
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: havefunbeluckytattoo
Facebook: Have Fun Be Lucky Tattoo
Location: 820 W. 36th Street Baltimore, MD 21211
Phone number: 410-235-5930
Website: havefunbeluckytattoo.com
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: havefunbeluckytattoo
Facebook: Have Fun Be Lucky Tattoo
Personal Info:
Before you reach out for a tattoo:
- Think of what you want as your main idea.
- Placement: think about where on your body you might want to put it.
- Include photo of location/area looking to tattoo.
- Measure the size of the location in inches.
- If its your first tattoo, please let the artist know.
- Research and gather reference photos related to your idea.
- Remember to mention what you do not want included in your design.
- Would prefer actual photograph references than tattoo photos.
- If your idea isn't something I feel I am the right fit for or I don't feel I have the time to take your project on, then I will recommend someone who can.
- It is my job to be as honest about what might be able to work as a tattoo or not.
- Remember, tattoos are a luxury and a financial commitment, therefore it is okay to wait if you need be or budget accordingly.
- How much is a deposit? $100.
- Is a deposit refundable? No.
- Is a deposit good for rescheduling? Yes, up to two times.
- Does my deposit come out of the final cost of the tattoo price? Yes.
- How are the deposits taken? Through a link from the square app that we will send you after an appointment has been booked.
- There's a tip section in the deposit link, do I leave a tip? Not for a consultation.
- What does the deposit consist of? Booking and holding a date and time, getting the drawing/design together, and the artists time.
- Are deposits transferable between other artist at the shop? No.
- How can I loose my deposit? Cancelling without rescheduling or not showing up with no call or message. (no call no show)
- How long does a consultation take? anywhere from 6 mins to 35 mins
- How are consultations scheduled? By emailing the shop directly.
- How are consultations done? Over the phone, unless its a cover up.
- Does the artist contact me or do I contact them? The artist will contact you at your scheduled consult time.
- What do I need for a consult? Being prepared with the list below.
What does a consultation consist of:
- Discussing the tattoo design.
- Discussing the tattoo process.
- The elements and details going into it.
- Scheduling the time and date.
- Putting a deposit down.
- Ask any questions you may have regarding the tattoo process or design.
- Discussing healing and aftercare is done at the tattoo appointment unless asked during the consult.
- If you have any medical things to disclose as well. (such as blood disorders or skin conditions)
- How do I know if your books are open? Checking this website and by following mine and our shops Instagram.
- How do you book a consultation? Emailing the shop at [email protected]
- How do you book an appointment? During the consultation.
- How do you book a predrawn or flash piece? By emailing myself directly or DM me directly on Instagram.
- How far out can I book an appointment? As far out as you'd like.
- What's your hourly rate? $220/hour - Minimum: $125
- Does my deposit go towards the cost? Yes.
- How long after my consultation, can I get an appointment? 1-3 months
- Can I reschedule my appointment? Yes.
- How do I reschedule my appointment? Emailing the shop at [email protected]
- If I need to reschedule day of? Text or email the artist directly
The Design:
- Do I get to see my design before my appointment? No.
- When will I see my design for the first time? At your scheduled appointment.
- Can I make changes to my deisgn? Yes, please be vocal, tweaking to the design can be done at the appointment.
- If I want to change my idea, can I keep my appointment? You must speak and get approved by the artist before the scheduled appointment to see if the design still fits the same appointment time slot.
- If its a complete redraw of your design when you come in for your appointment (example: Cat tattoo to a Plant tattoo), then you will be rescheduled.
Cover Ups:
- Do you do cover up? Yes.
- Do you cover scars? Yes.
- Required to have an in-person consultation.
- Email image of the piece you'd like to cover to the shop.
- If I don't feel I can cover it, I will direct you to someone that can.
- Remember, cover ups are a whole different ball game than the regular tattoo process. Some ideas work well while other wont at all.
Predrawns & Flash:
- How do you claim a design? By emailing or messaging myself directly. Deposit is required to claim design.
- How do you know if something is claimed? Feel free to reach out and ask.
- Do you do designs twice? No. Not unless its a matching tattoo.
Touch Ups:
- Do you offer touch ups? Yes.
- How much do you charger for a touch up? Free. As long as its my work.
- How do I book a touch up appointment? By emailing myself or the shop.
- If your books are closed, can I still schedule a touch up appointment? Yes.
- Is getting something darkened a touch up? Most of the time, Yes.
- Never worry if your tattoo needs a touch up or just a little TLC; skin isn't perfect and neither are we, sometimes a second pass helps.
- If I feel the tattoo doesn't need a touch up, its only because I am looking out for you and the future of the design.
Guest Spotting Info:
- How do I book a guest spot location? Myself directly, not the shop. By email or DM on Instagram.
- How often do you guest spot? As often as I can, at least twice a year.
- Do you guest spot at the same locations? Yes.
- How is the parking at the shop? Street parking and meters.
- Meters start at noon.
Day of & at your Appointment:
- We provide water and candy for clients.
- We accept cash, card and apple pay.
- Arrive on time at your scheduled time. Arriving early can make it hard for the artist to prepare and get you settled at the same time. Unless the artist asks you to come in earlier.
- If you feel you'll be late in anyway, please contact the shop or the artist.
- 20 mins late requires a reschedule.
- Some appointments are scheduled before our shops regular hours.
- If your appointment is scheduled before noon, the door will be unlocked for you even if the open sign is off.
- If its your first time at the shop, you'll fill out our consent form when you come in, and you must bring your ID or Passport. You do not have to fill out a consent form every time, just the first time.
- What if I want to bring someone with me? Its a small shop, there's not a lot of space for extra bodies.
- If you do want or need to bring someone in, such as a caregiver or support, you must let the artist or the shop know in advance.
- What if there's two of us getting tattooed? There will be space for those getting tattooed.
- Check the area you are looking to get tattooed that day, and if there is any damage to the skin, please contact your artist before coming in for your appointment. (this includes: rashes, sunburn, inflamed skin, cuts or scratches)
- Do you have WIFI? Yes.
- Can I bring a fidget toy, a book or headphones? Yes.
- Can I bring my laptop and do work while I'm there? No.
- Can I bring my dog to my appointment? Absolutely Not
- Will we be able to take breaks? Yes, and don't be afraid to ask for a break.
- If you would like me to wear a mask, please feel free to just ask, I do not have any issues with it.
First Tattoo Tips:
- Eat a meal before.
- Get a good nights sleep before hand.
- Wear lose comfy clothing.
- Preferably not white clothing.
- Avoid alcohol 24 hours before.
- Why can't I drink before the appointment? Alcohol thins your blood which could lead to excessive bleeding and can cause complication with the healing and application process.
- Does it hurt? Yes, regardless of what anyone will tell you, tattoos do hurts. It varies per person and per area.
- What should I bring to my appointment? A drink and snacks, ID, Payment, and incase, a Phone charger.
- Its perfectly okay and normal to feel nervous before a tattoo.
Healing & Aftercare Instructions:
Remember everyone's body is different which means we do not all heal the same.
First day with a new tattoo:
Healing with Second Skin:
Please notify the shop and the artist if you have any existing allergies or medical conditions we need to be aware of.
First day with a new tattoo:
- Touch your tattoo with clean hands only.
- Remove bandage 4 hours after receiving the tattoo at the most.
- Do not rebandage.
- Let your tattoo breathe.
- Wash area with antibacterial soap after removing bandage. (recommend Soft Soap brand)
- When washing the area, be gentle. Small circle motions help.
- Pat the tattoo with a paper towel, not a fabric towel, which could be rough on the skin.
- Do not apply ointment or lotion after immediately washing tattoo, let tattoo air dry.
- When applying ointment or lotion, very thin layer only. remove excess.
- Less is more, the idea to a good healing tattoo, isn't to keep it moisturized, but to keep it from drying out.
- Recommended - Ointment: Local brand we sell at the shop / Lotion: Lubriderm and Aveeno (Must be unscented and unfragranced)
- Try using soap, ointment and lotion recommended by the artist that did that tattoo. But regardless all must be unscented and unfragranced.
- How long does it take for a tattoo to fully heal? 2-3 weeks.
- Typically by the 4th or 5th day, you will notice your tattoo peel like a sunburn would.
- You only need to clean your tattoo twice a day at the most. (Once in the morning and once after work or before bed)
- Let your tattoo flake and peel as needed, do not pick at the healing areas. You can pull out pigment that way.
- Is itching normal? Yes, do not itch your tattoo. Can prolong your healing.
- When can I use sunscreen? After your tattoo is completely healed.
- Prolonged sun exposure while its healing.
- Wearing jewelry or clothing that can cause imprints or friction over the tattoo.
- People touching your tattoo.
- Soaking, swimming or taking a bath.
Healing with Second Skin:
- What is second skin? A thin adhesive layer bandage. I use the brand, Recovery Derm.
- How long do I wear it for? 3-5 days.
- Do you recommend using second skin or the traditional way? In most cases yes.
- What's the difference using second skin vs the traditional way? Helps heal the tattoo faster, efficiently and with less maintenance.
- Can I shower with this bandage? Yes.
- Can I soak, swim or take a bath with this type of bandage? No.
- How do I remove the bandage? By pulling up one of the edges slowly.
- Do not forcefully remove the bandage.
- If the bandage peels up, what do I do? If it peels up a little that's fine, only if tattoo is exposed to air, do you then have to remove the bandage ahead of time, and from there, resume the normal healing process stated above.
- When removing the bandage, its easiest to do so in the shower.
- If you have trouble removing the bandage, try using coconut oil.
- If I see red bumps underneath the bandage, what do I do? That would mean you are allergic and to remove immediately and resume the normal healing process.
- Do not recommend this healing process if you are allergic to any type of adhesive (example: from bandages or tapes)
- Can I go to the gym after getting tattooed? You want the skin to settle and heal. Give it a day or two.
- Can I go hiking after? Be mindful, its an open wound. You must keep it clean.
- What if my tattoo is swollen or red after? Remember tattooing is a medical procedure, its normal for some swelling, redness and some painfulness. You can take ibuprofen after the tattoo appointment. Or ice if needed.
- If the swelling last longer then 3-4 days after, consult your artist.
- What if I picked at it while it was healing? You have to wait till the tattoo is completely healed before going into it again.
Please notify the shop and the artist if you have any existing allergies or medical conditions we need to be aware of.
Tattoos in the Summer:
- Protect your tattoos and keep them looking fresh and sharp with sunscreen.
- Do you recommend a certain sunscreen? You really don't need anything over SPF 50. Must include Zinc. (Brands I Like: Earth Mama, Blue Lizard, Pipette, and Babo)
- When can I swim after getting tattooed? When the tattoo is completely healed, (typically 2-3 weeks)
- If your healing a tattoo during the summer, remember to be mindful of sweat since it is not good for the healing process.
- What does the sun do to tattoos? It basically cooks the ink under your skin and can lead to spreading the ink.